Pylon Sign

signs that are hard to miss

The size, unique design and wide variety of options in Vista’s Pylon Signs have proven to be an enormous advantage for designers and installers alike. Also called Totem Signs, they come in flat, convex and illuminated models, and include double sided and even triangular pylons. The visibility, size, modularity and durability of these signs, in both external and internal environments, are only some of their many advantages.

Our clients use these pylon signs for providing directions, reception and conference rooms, lobbies, exhibitions and more. You’ll find them at the entrances to government offices, hospitals, universities, office buildings, libraries, industrial buildings and even parking lots.

Vista Designs For You

Vista provides a wide variety of pylon signs from our modular product families: Vista, Sharp, Expand, BH and Light. You get several options for finishes and insert materials, including: Polycarbonate, Aluminum, Photo polymers and more.

Vista’s double- and triple-sided pylon signs provide the perfect solution for wayfinding, display, and retailing. The advantage is clear: the message or information you wish to convey becomes visible from every angle, when the pylon sign is placed in a central location. Illuminated multi-sided pylon signs are also available.

For low-light environments and businesses open in the evenings, Vista’s illuminated pylon signs provide not only information, but impressive, long-distance visibility. With Vista’s encompassing service, you’ll receive guidelines as to which graphics and materials are most recommended for your illuminated pylon signs.

vista system family

Learn more about Vista
Pylon Signs

Click Here
vista sharp family

Learn more about Sharp
Pylon Signs

Click Here
vista light family

Learn more about Light
Pylon Signs

Click Here
vista expand family

Learn more about Expand
Pylon Signs

Click Here

The Saint Francis Health System Campuses in Tulsa

Vista Sign Ambassador: Claude Neon Federal Signs Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

The hospital called upon Vista to provide pylon signs that would inform hospital visitors and employees of their new “smoke-free campus” policy.
A fiberglass-embedded digital graphic was used, because of its ability to withstand abuse and vandalism.
The customer wanted an attractive, sturdy, turnkey sign package that could withstand potential vandalism and heavy traffic while being fairly easy to install. Cost was no object, as long as the sign system could perform as needed. The signs had to be installed fairly quickly, with a fast roll out for the smoke-free campus.
The biggest challenge was the quick turnaround demanded, as well as the tight requirements of matching the graphics panel to Vista’s pylon signs. It was a tight fit indeed, but that only further ensured the sign system’s security. No major problems were encountered and within five weeks, the full installation was complete.


  • Visible at long distance and from any angle
  • Variety of sizes and designs from various Vista product families
  • Illuminated, convex or flat pylon signs
  • Highly durable - built to withstand any internal or external conditions
  • Quick latch mechanism means inserts are easily changed
  • Available up to 4 meters (13 ft) high and 1.4 meters (4.5 ft) wide
  • Available in both double-side and triple-sided (triangular) pylons


  • We have enjoyed being a preferred vendor for Vista Systems in northwest British Columbia, Canada. The product is very well made and we are pleased to have it available for our customers as part of our overall suite of sign products.

    Silvertip Signs, Canada
    Tod Richard
  • Even though we are a really small sign shop, Vista has always been friendly, professional and courteous with us over the years. They also make really great products…

    ASAP Signs, USA
    Bob Perez
  • Vista has a great quality product and continually adapts to keep a modern and clean system available for a wide variety of business uses. The customer service and responsiveness is why I keep coming back.

    Image360 - RVA, USA
    Kelly All
  • Vista provides an amazing variety of sales tools from literature to showroom and field sample kits. The customer selection process is so much cleaner with a physical sample on a professionally prepared kit or display. We’ve found it makes for some quick decision making on the customer side.

    Fastsigns, Canada
    Bob Ramsden
  • Vista Systems not only created a great user friendly system in the beginning but now have expanded give great new options to the original curved system. Their team is super easy to work with and always goes out of there way to help me in tight deadline situations

    Pensacola Sign & Graphics, Inc. USA
    Eric Hoock
  • We will continue to use Vista Systems for our customers who expect a little something extra out of their signage requests.

    Sign Solutions Of East Atlanta, USA
    Nicole Carter
  • I have had an awesome experience using Vista system.
    Its ease of use and great look are customer pleasers.
    I have picked up new customers that have had Vista signs
    and have been able to provide new matching signs to keep
    a uniform look to the properties.

    Bell Signs, USA
    Gary Burns
  • We love your products and your customer service! Always so helpful! Products are top notch.

    sign Central, LLC, USA
    Teresa Brown
  • Vista representatives are very helpful and knowledgeable. Quotes are requested and returned in a timely manner, helps with meeting bid deadlines!

    Morrison Architectural Sign Co., Inc. USA
    Christina Haines
Quick and Simple

Pylon Sign Assembly and Installation

Pylon signs, both double-sided and triangular, are part of Vista’s modular signage system, which is based on aluminum profiles, endcaps and bases. While it is recommended that a Vista Ambassador (certified technician) will install your pylon signs, all you really need is some technical sense and a screwdriver – no prior knowledge or special tools are required. Assembly is easy and there are several methods for anchoring the pylon signs – all of which can be learned through the technical videos and drawings provided by Vista.

As an architect, engineer or designer, your time is very precious. Here at Vista, we understand that – so we’ve prepared, for your convenience, files that you can use with your 3D software for design and planning:

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