Vista’s solution for the education sector meets the challenges and complexity of campus signage. To design signage that encompasses such a huge area – one that includes parking spaces, paths, halls, classrooms, lobbies, corridors and classrooms is a task that requires professional and intelligent planning. Here are the advantages that will help planners and decision makers to design and implement the project.
Let’s start with the surprise: Vspec is a professional service that Vista provides for designers and planners. It enables you to quickly map out all of the signs and bill of quantities for the entire campus. What’s the surprise? You can get Vspec for free. In addition, a client manager will be happy to assist designers and decision makers by escorting you all the way through the project until installation has been completed by one of Vista’s authorized signatories – and we have at least one in every large city. We are truly happy to help, because your project is as important to us as it is to you.
In addition to outdoor and indoor signs, illuminated signs, flat and curved signs, Vista offers other advantages. The first is ADA signage designed to meet the needs of disabled populations in public places. The markings are embedded as an integral part of the signage and approved in accordance with established standards. In addition, the signs comply with the most stringent of green standards for preserving the environment, due to Vista’s advanced technology. Another advantage is the modularity of Vista signs, which guarantees minimal maintenance time after the project’s completion. That time is especially low, as every sign that reaches the authorized installer has first undergone quality control to ensure that both exterior and interior signs are exceptionally damage-resistant. Vista has also answered the need to quickly update sign graphics and messages, with its unique Quick-latch design that enables changes in just a minute. The signs are durable and easy to maintain and, if necessary, years down the road, you’ll be able to fix any broken or worn signs, add signage to new areas and more. We’ll be here.
Ambassador Club Vista System -world leader in
modular Wayfinding sign solutions