Gauteng Railway Station is the commuter rail system that South Africa prepared for the FIFA World Cup 2010. It required effective way-finding signage that would guide the movement of tens of thousands of people.
The contractor and architect referred to the station signs as an important and critical part of the project.
For them, the station was no less than a flagship project.
Even today, after more than a decade, the Gauteng Railway Station project’s signage has a youthful and contemporary look and feel. The choice of a strong design line to complement the branding of the operating company truly proved itself. The original signs continue to direct passengers and express a brand identity that has only strengthened with time.
Since Gautrain belongs to a private company in partnership with the South African government, the project had to comply with national green standards. For the project’s managers, this meant that all materials and work areas had to be selected with a view to preserving the environment. With Vista’s green technology, they had not difficulties in meeting the standards set by the LEED Green Building Rating System.
The green advantages of Vista include:
Choosing Vista’s modular system earned the organization the distinction of being a Green Company, according to the standards of LEED Innovation in Design.
Join the Ambassador Club at Vista System – the world leader in modular way-finding signage solutions